Tea Stories: Deep-tea πŸΏοΈπŸ¦‹πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ‘ΆπŸ½β˜•πŸ«–

Tea Stories: Deep-tea πŸΏοΈπŸ¦‹πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ‘ΆπŸ½β˜•πŸ«–

56:57 - 64 'We created you. Would that you affirm it. Have you considered that which you emit? Is it you who created it or are We the creators? We have decreed death among you, and none outstrips Us in replacing you with your likeness and bringing you into being again in what you know not. You have indeed known the first genesis. Why, then, do you not reflect? Have you considered what you reap? Is it you who sow it or are We the sowers?

These verses are a beautiful attempt to take our understanding of ourselves and this life to a much deeper level and perhaps explore the subconscious. 🌟

'We created you. Would that you affirm it.' - If only you'd look up from your preoccupations to consider for a moment that this existence that you take for granted is provided by God. That this breath and that heartbeat and all those thoughts and emotions have one entity behind them. That you have been chosen to be here. Allah SWT said "I know what you do not know" - in reference to you too. That you have a role, a purpose, you have been given this gift of life for a good reason. Perhaps consider what lies behind that acceptance. 🩷

'Have you considered that which you emit? Is it you who created it or are We the creators?'

- You consider yourselves life givers but you don't know that even your most fundamental abilities are enabled by God. Your ability to emit is allowed by God. Your intention to emit is allowed by God. The wherewithal to commit to the emit is enabled by God. God does not take away your freewill, on the contrary God allows your freewill because without His enabling nothing would exist. Perhaps consider what power lies behind that surrender. β­πŸ’«πŸ’š

We have decreed death among you, and none outstrips Us in replacing you with your likeness and bringing you into being again in what you know not.

- Death is our inevitable truth and we are replaced with those who are like us. In terms of our children and their children and theirs as well as the eradication of whole communities to create new ones. How can we not humble ourselves when we are so fragile in the face of our inevitable reality. Perhaps consider what incredible strength lies behind that humility. ❀️

You have indeed known the first genesis. Why, then, do you not reflect?

- We have been given example after example, what we have not mastered is the ability to reflect. Our faith asks us to open the internal doors and to explore inside. To search internally for a deeper meaning, a deeper truth. Even that is enabled by God. Our ability to see within ourselves. Perhaps consider what incredible expanse lies within. 🩡

Have you considered what you reap? Is it you who sow it or are We the sowers?

- We imagine that there is a simple karma, we reap what we sow but the formula is actually a little more complex perhaps.

Action = outcome > karma

Intentions + action = outcome + reflection + divine enablement, divine intervention > karma 😁

- Carl Jung famously said, 'That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate.'

These verses invite us to delve into that subconsciousness and to connect with the greatest of all consciousness. Perhaps consider what beauty will appear in those precious moments where we connect. πŸ’œ


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